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Open-space and agri-photovoltaics

Current situation

The expansion of systems for generating renewable energies is becoming increasingly important. In particular, open-space and agri-photovoltaics (PV) are keeping many farms busy – due to competition for land on the one hand and interesting new value creation potential on the other.

IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH (IAK) has expanded its consulting services to give its clients the opportunity to profit economically from project development in addition to the income from leasing land. 

Up to now, it has mainly been energy companies and large investment companies that have participated in the value-creation potential of open-space and agri-PV. However, in view of global world trade, climate change and income degression, we believe it is essential for future development that agricultural companies also take this step towards value creation. 

Moreover, every agricultural business should maximize its value creation on a sustainable basis to successfully compete for scarce resources such as land and personnel in the long term. The generation of renewable energies, especially from PV, offers interesting opportunities that need to be exploited.

Our consulting services

With our partner, MHB-Montage GmbH (MHB), which has been active on the PV market for many years, we provide a concept that enables agricultural businesses to participate in the added value of project development without risk and without additional expertise:

1. Potential analysis

Together with the agricultural company, we identify potential areas for PV development.

2. Participation of the agricultural enterprise in the development company

The agricultural enterprise participates in the company to which it has leased its land as the owner without incurring any additional expenses.

3. Development of the PV system up to construction maturity

 IAK and MHB develop the project and bear the development risk.

4. Sale when ready for construction

Once planning permission has been granted, a decision is made as to whether the project will be sold or taken over in full by the agricultural company. Up to now, six-figure sums have been paid per ha for projects that are ready for construction without the land being sold. 

5. Construction and operation of the PV system

The owner of the ready-to-build project builds and operates the system. If the agricultural business is not also the owner of the project, it receives a fair land lease.

Working together for success

Experience to date shows: If such a project can be established, the chances of success are extremely good. To obtain the necessary permits for land, we rely above all on the agricultural company's networking with local authorities and landowners. This is an essential part of the concept for success.

We would be happy to explain the details in an individual consultation.


Erneuerbare Energien: Prüfung von Gestattungsverträgen

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Author: Constanze Nehls
Open-space and agri-photovoltaics

Entwicklung von Freiflächen-Photovoltaik- und Agri-Photovoltaik-Anlagen

PDF: 01.08.2024
Author: Dr. Martin Schneider
Source: IAK-Produktblatt
Open-space and agri-photovoltaics

Wirtschaftliche Nutzung der Möglichkeiten aus Freiflächen-Photovoltaikanlagen für Landwirtschaftsbetriebe

PDF: 05.06.2023
Author: Dr. Martin Schneider
Source: IAK-Beratungsschreiben
Open-space and agri-photovoltaics