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Sustainability management

Sustainability is the most important principle of agricultural, environmental and climate policy. It is regarded as the guiding principle for a sustainable, resource-conserving economic approach that is committed to animal welfare. Systems in which the regenerative capacity is preserved are described as sustainable.

Together with INL – Privates Institut für Nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung GmbH, we offer sustainability assessment for farms through DINAK – Deutsches Institut für Nachhaltige Agrarkultur. With the help of about 30 individual indicators from ecology, economy, social as well as animal welfare, sustainability is measured and evaluated. The results provide our clients with important information on the strengths and remaining weaknesses of the company or production system. And they can be used for communication to society, e.g. for product differentiation. This is because more and more market partners of farms, e.g. banks or the processing industry, are attaching importance to addressing their own operational sustainability.

CO2 footprint

The carbon footprint is an important indicator from the environmental sustainability assessment. It makes the climate impact of a product or the entire production process visible. On the way to greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050, it is essential to know the levers that can be used to reduce negative impacts on the climate in the company. The carbon footprint shows where relevant greenhouse gases are released in agricultural production and where the greatest potential for savings and efficiency measures are located.

Our sustainability analysis is:

  • objectively measurable
  • scientifically sound
  • validated
  • holistic
  • company-specific

Step by step to sustainability management in your company:

  1. Analysis and evaluation of the current situation based on the DINAK sustainability model
  2. Comprehensive results report with concrete statements on the individual indicators
  3. Recommendations for action to optimize operational management
  4. After three years, renewed sustainability assessment and comparison with the previous result

Media library

Wie sehr schwankt der Treibhausgas-Fußabdruck zwischen angebauten Fruchtarten und verschiedenen Schlägen?

PDF: 06.09.2023
Author: Dr. Martin Schneider
Sustainability management

Konventionelle Landwirtschaft soll mit Nachhaltigkeit punkten

External URL: 14.05.2023
Sustainable agriculture Sustainability management

Warum konventionelle Landwirte in Sachsen-Anhalt auf mehr Nachhaltigkeit setzen

External URL: 14.05.2023
Author: Lucas Riemer und Georg Hölting, MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT
Sustainable agriculture Sustainability management

SAT.1 Regional: Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft: Institut bewertet Milchviehbetrieb aus Horst

External URL: 04.10.2022
Source: SAT.1

Wie sich Nachhaltigkeit in der Landwirtschaft messen lässt

PDF: 01.11.2021
Author: Katrin Kraft, Frank Reinicke
Source: Sonderheft Bauernzeitung 11/2021
Sustainability management