Rural development
In many countries, rural areas are characterized by weak economic development, low investment in infrastructure and the migration of qualified residents to cities or neighboring countries. If, in addition, the availability of public services decreases, this cycle is often exacerbated. As a rule, industrial and service sector facilities are located in urban centers, while the demand for agricultural labor is declining. Thus, poverty, poor supply, and out-migration continue to intensify.
Depending on the national or regional challenges, there are effective tools that can be used to develop rural areas and slow down out-migration. For example, investments in rural areas can be subsidized and fiscal location advantages can be created. Various structural and land reforms can revitalize rural areas. Optimally, a special focus is on the representation, participation and promotion of women. At the same time, modernization of rural areas offers the opportunity to establish a more sustainable economy.
We offer a wide range of consulting services:
- Supporting processes of political decentralization and increasing the capacity of local administrations.
- Supporting political processes for the organization of land reform
- Rural regional planning
- Preliminary agri-structural planning
- Advice on cooperative laws and on the establishment, structure, organization and financing of cooperatives
- Innovation support for start-ups in rural areas
- Accompanying state structures in setting up subsidy programs and advising agricultural businesses on how to access subsidies
- Vocational training and continuing education (basic training, adult education, dual training, curriculum development)