To offer our clients tailor-made consulting services from a single source, we use our national and international network of cooperation partners and organizations specializing in agricultural and food industry issues.
Agronym e.V. Netzwerk für nachhaltige Bioökonomie
The network for sustainable bioeconomy acts as an information, communication and cooperation platform for technical innovations in agriculture. It promotes science and research intending to involve small and medium-sized enterprises, qualify young scientists and organize the exchange of research results. Its members include entrepreneurs in the agricultural technology sector, users of agricultural technology, research and development partners as well as colleges and universities.
AgroSax e.V.
The association, founded by Saxon agricultural technology companies, is the project sponsor of the Saxony Agricultural Technology Competence Network and pools the strengths of this traditional Saxon industry sector.
BTR Rechtsanwälte & Kollegen
BTR Rechtsanwälte are a network of lawyers and specialist lawyers covering various areas of law, as well as notaries, tax advisors, auditors and cooperation partners. For the specialist areas of agricultural, labour, energy and corporate law, we work primarily with Dr. Reinhard Mecklenburg and Constanze Nehls.
DLG – Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
We are a member of the DLG and work in several DLG expert committees, e.g. in the project team "Top Dairy Farms" and in the "Banking and Insurance Working Group".
Financing partners
With regard to the financing of agricultural investment projects, we are known to the credit institutions that finance rural areas, e.g. the DKB, but also increasingly to private investors who are interested in investments and financing in agriculture.
German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA)
Initiative of the German agricultural and food industry for cooperation with transition, emerging and developing countries
Heimische Landwirtschaft UG
To make farmers' services visible to society and to build trust between consumers and agricultural producers, farmers founded this initiative in 2011.
Leipziger Ökonomische Societät e.V.
The Society is a professional association that promotes fact-based dialog between science, agriculture, politics and civil society. It deals with topics such as structural change, climate protection and social acceptance in agriculture, particularly in Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt. Founded in 1739 and re-established in 1990, it is currently a think tank for agriculture and rural areas in central Germany.
RinderAllianz GmbH
On the subject of milk production/cattle breeding, there is a long-standing cooperation with the Rinderzuchtverband Sachsen-Anhalt eG, which transferred its business operations to RinderAllianz GmbH in 2014. In addition to joint activities to open up markets in several Eastern European countries, our cooperation focuses on holding joint training events and providing business management support on selected issues of milk production.
Interessenverband Milcherzeuger e.V. (IVM)
Large, innovative eastern German dairy farms are organised in the IVM. The IVM is first and foremost a trade association that offers its members a platform and a network for exchanging experiences.