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German-Argentine Dialogue on Sustainable Agricultural Innovations

11/2021 - 10/2025
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and GFA Consulting Group GmbH
2,375,732.66 Euro
Client type:

The project aims to promote the dissemination of environmentally friendly innovations in the agricultural sector, in collaboration with diverse stakeholders. Together with the Argentine Secretary of Bioeconomy and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the institutional and legal framework for agricultural technology innovations is being improved, a national innovation ecosystem is being promoted, and cooperation between research institutes in both countries is being strengthened. Key topics of the project include: transition to smarter agriculture through data integration models with a focus on the use and adoption of AgTech, promotion of the development of bio-inputs for agricultural production and sustainability indicators, e.g. in frame of a bilateral pilot project. 

Besides, networking with other projects of the BMEL's Bilateral Cooperation Programme (BKP) in Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia as well as with supra-regional agricultural research organizations is being sought to position the technical, scientific and political dialogue projects in Latin America. 

IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH is the lead partner in the consortium with GOPA AFC GmbH.