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German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue, Phase 5

01/2019 - 12/2021
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and GFA Consulting Group GmbH
EUR 1.8 million
Client type:

The aim was to support Ukraine in reforming its agricultural policy and legislation, taking into account the international experience of Germany and other countries as well as international organizations (EU, WTO) in accordance with market economy regulatory principles. APD's core agricultural policy issues included alignment with EU standards, agricultural market development, modernization of agricultural science and research, and development of effective agricultural support measures.

Project activities:

  • Supporting the organization of dialogue and information events with governmental and private stakeholders (e.g. workshops, round tables, conferences)
  • Documentation and dissemination of the results of these events in German and Ukrainian language
  • Communicating the results of these events to a broad audience, e.g. in the national and international press as well as on TV, the Internet, etc.
  • Supportive accompanying consulting, e.g. targeted awareness campaigns, promotion of selected civil society organizations and associations, support of bilateral partnerships, promotion of networks
  • Documentation and dissemination of the results of the accompanying advisory services
  • Organization of agricultural policy debates at universities and/or research institutions
  • Technical support of summer schools at universities (supplementary courses on agricultural policy and economics)
  • Support of German and Ukrainian universities and research institutions in the agricultural sector in the organization of joint events (e.g. seminars, conferences)

IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH was the lead partner in the consortium with AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH and the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).