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Land management

As a non-replicable and immobile resource, land as a production factor is fiercely contested. This is evidenced by steadily rising purchase and lease prices. Securing farmed land at economically justifiable costs is therefore a key management task.

White areas

We support you in the transfer of land that is privately owned but whose owners are currently unknown or cannot be found. This land can be transferred to operational ownership. This includes:

  • Selection of suitable areas
  • Proof of missing heirs
  • Support in the bidding process

Negotiations with the BVVG

We support you in asserting your business interests vis-à-vis the BVVG. This includes

  • Proof of the inappropriateness of purchase or lease prices
  • Release from earmarking of an EALG purchase agreement
  • Reclaiming excessive purchase prices from EALG purchase agreements

Establishment of internal processes for the mapping of land management

We support you in setting up internal processes in your department for space management. This concerns among other things:

  • Establishment of processes for the administration and updating of land lease agreements
  • Establishment of processes for the administration of land purchase contracts
  • Training of employees

Geographic Information System (GIS)

We support you in establishing an operational geographic information system to manage your land. This includes:

  • Procurement of digital orthophotos (DOP)
  • Procurement of ALKIS data
  • Integration of DOP or ALKIS data into the operational land management software
  • Implementation of employee training

Creation of overview maps

We create overview maps of your areas for you. A wide range of information can be added to these, such as information on crop rotation and maps of zones with application restrictions.


We will be glad to provide you with further references upon request.

Media library

Flächenmanagement, Teil 2: Weiße Flächen übernehmen

PDF: 01.07.2021
Author: Constanze Nehls, Dr. Martin Schneider
Source: Bauernzeitung 07/2021
Land management

Flächenmanagement, Teil 1: Ohne Grund keine Landwirtschaft

PDF: 01.06.2021
Author: Constanze Nehls, Dr. Martin Schneider
Source: Bauernzeitung 06/2021
Land management

Risiko im Pachtvertrag – Das Schriftformerfordernis im Landpachtrecht

PDF: 03.12.2012
Author: Dieter Künstling, Dr. Reinhard Mecklenburg
Source: Bodenmarkt 05 2012/2013, Sonderheft der Zeitschriften Neue Landwirtschaft und Briefe zum Agrarrecht
Land management