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Global Project Food Security and Resilience Building: Improving Nutrition and Hygiene in the Family Environment in Burkina Faso (PAH), Phase 3

EUR 2.6 million
Client type:
Burkina Faso

Life without Hunger – Transforming Agricultural and Food Systems

The global project Food Security and Resilience Building has been running since 2014 and is currently being implemented in ten countries. The aim of the country package in Burkina Faso is to improve the nutritional situation and nutrient supply of pregnant women, mothers and young children. Activities take place mainly in the south-west of the country and include issues of subsistence agriculture and food storage and processing as well as health care, hygiene and education. The multi-sectoral approach involves different governmental and civil society actors and builds a common understanding of nutrition issues with them.

GIZ is implementing the activities at the national level, while at the regional and local levels the consortium Health Focus GmbH (lead partner) and IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH are responsible for implementation.