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Special consulting milk production

We offer individualized consulting for farms that specialize in milk and/or meat production or have dairy production as a secondary activity.

Our consulting offer includes all important planning units:

  • Analysis of the performance and health status of individual animals and herds.
  • Analysis and optimization of feed production, grassland management and feeding processes
  • Analysis and optimization of husbandry technologies (taking into account animal-friendly husbandry and labor-economical results)
  • Preparation of reconstruction and investment plans as well as support in subsidy and financing measures
  • Regular controlling and evaluation of risk analyses
  • Labor-economic analyses with subsequent evaluation and preparation of solution proposals for optimization and economic improvement of the production process
  • Further education and seminars

Milk working group

Since 2001, numerous farms have been organised in the Milk Working Group, which present their business management evaluations of milk production and their experiences in milk production technology on a monthly basis. Your participation will give you the opportunity to compare material and financial key figures of your farm with farms of similar size and similar production systems.

Based on your key figures (market performance, losses, productivity, reproduction, etc.), we will prepare a farm-specific evaluation for you. In this way, the weak points and performance reserves of your farm are identified. In addition, we will support you with proven solution approaches.

In addition, all milk production issues are discussed in the working group, with an intensive exchange of experience and information on innovative approaches to solutions.

Milk price comparison

Price analyses are more and more a focus of entrepreneurial activity. We are specialized in providing a fair and objective comparison of the participating farms and their dairies in a period close to the accounting period, of course taking into account organic and conventional milk production. The price comparison between dairies should give you more information about the milk market situation and at the same time increase transparency.

Based on the anonymous evaluation of your monthly milk money statement, you will receive a key figure analysis of your most important dairy data.

Media library

IAK-Hygienekonzept: Protokoll zur MKS-Maßnahmenplanung

PDF: 16.01.2025
Author: IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH
Special consulting milk production

Beef on Dairy – Vorteile und Chancen für Milchviehbetriebe

PDF: 16.12.2024
Author: Nico Klamt
Special consulting milk production

Automatisieren und Umbauen im Milchviehstall

PDF: 01.11.2021
Author: Dr. Frank Wesenberg, Frank Rüdiger
Source: Sonderheft Bauernzeitung 11/2021
Investment consulting Special consulting milk production

Erst rechnen und alle Optionen prüfen – dann investieren!

PDF: 01.06.2020
Author: Dr. Frank Wesenberg, Frank Rüdiger
Source: Bauernzeitung 23/2020
Special consulting milk production


PDF: 03.12.2018
Author: Dr. Frank Wesenberg, Christian Schoibl, Frank Rüdiger
Source: Bauernzeitung Sonderheft 12/2018
Special consulting milk production

RATGEBER MILCHPRODUKTION: Ist nun die Welt wieder in Ordnung?

PDF: 04.12.2017
Author: Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: Bauernzeitung 12/2017
Special consulting milk production

BRENNPUNKT: Warum verliert der Osten Milch?

PDF: 01.03.2017
Author: Dieter Künstling
Source: Elite 03/2017
Special consulting milk production

ZUKUNFT MILCHPRODUKTION – Der lange Weg zurück zur Normalität

PDF: 01.12.2016
Author: Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: Bauernzeitung Sonderheft 2016
Special consulting milk production

Im Blickfeld: Die Kühe rund ums Kalben

PDF: 01.12.2014
Author: Peter Richter
Source: Bauernzeitung Sonderheft 12/2014
Special consulting milk production

Wer kennt seine Kühe genau?

PDF: 14.07.2014
Author: Peter Richter, Dieter Künstling
Source: Bauernzeitung 29/2014
Special consulting milk production

Automatik als Heilmittel?

PDF: 07.10.2013
Author: Dieter Künstling, Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: Bauernzeitung 41/2013
Special consulting milk production

Milch vermarkten – nicht nur abliefern

PDF: 05.08.2013
Author: Dr. Barbara Hentschel
Source: agrarmanager 08/2013
Special consulting milk production

Auf der Suche nach Lösungen

PDF: 26.11.2012
Author: Dieter Künstling
Source: Bauernzeitung 48/2012
Special consulting milk production

Nachhaltigkeit absichern

PDF: 09.07.2012
Author: Dieter Künstling, Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: Bauernzeitung 28/2012
Special consulting milk production

Sensibler für Risiko und Chance – Controlling im Betriebszweig Milchproduktion

PDF: 01.02.2011
Author: Peter Richter, Dieter Künstling, Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: Neue Landwirtschaft 02/2011
Special consulting milk production

Billigste Investition ist der Erfahrungsaustausch

PDF: 03.01.2011
Author: Dieter Künstling, Dr. Frank Wesenberg
Source: RSA-Info 01/2011
Special consulting milk production